Thursday, October 25, 2012


Sitting here listening to the weather tell us about the possibility of snow this weekend & next week.  Bummer!  Had been hoping to get the cars out to one final car cruise this Saturday.  But I don’t think that it will be happening.  Time to winterize the cars & put them away until next spring.


So I will take a look back on one of our most fun years with cars.  I think one of the main reasons it was so much fun was we did it as a family.  The kids enjoyed it as much as we do.  And they are learning their cars.  Now they will point out cars they see on the road & tell us what they are.  But I also think the other reason was because of the Parnelli Jones Saleen Mustang we purchased last year.  We were finally able to go to some of the cruises all together in the same car. 


But let’s take a look back at some of the cruises we attended & the fun we had, shall we?  The most memorable cruise & moment this past summer had to be at the All Ford National show in Carlisle, PA were we took 1st place in our division.  First time there & we do hope to be back.  We had a lot of fun at the show & winning just made it all the more special.  At that moment, I was beginning to realize what a special car we truly had.

The other cruises we attended were just as fun.  We spent time talking to other car enthusiasts & began to truly introduce our kids to the car crazy world.  Our son began his picture taking career by taking his camera with him to every car cruise. 

We ended to car crazy season with a fabulous Pony Trail with our Mustang club.  It was a great way to end the season with our Mustang.

But now we must winterize our cars & put them away in the garage until next spring.  The thought makes me very sad.  Number one, I am not a fan of winter or snow.  And number two, I truly enjoy driving my Mustang.  Now all I will be able to do is to go down to our garage & look at it.  L 

We will be back cruising with our cars the first nice spring day in 2013. 
Please find us on Facebook at
We are also on Twitter under the name FastCarDawnMike & we are also on Instagram at 2FastCars.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Sitting here & I can not believe how cold & damp it is.  This past weekend was gorgeous!  The perfect weekend for a cruise looking at the leaves changing colors.  And that is exactly what our Mustang Club did.  Several Mustangs & their owners got together for an 85 mile drive.

After a little bit of a rough start at home, our General Lee which was blocking the Mustang didn't want to start, we headed out to meet our Mustang Club for the Pony Trail.  It was an absolutely wonderful time.  We took our Parnelli Jones Saleen Mustang & my dad drove his Saleen Mustang.  There were about 14 Mustangs in all.  It must have been quit a sight to see all these Mustangs cruising along together.  We saw several people stop & stare as we all drove by. 

As we drove along though, I couldn't help but wish that my dad had his co-pilot with him.  My mom, who passed away a little over a year ago, would have loved the cruise & the beautiful weather.  She loved that Saleen Mustang. 

We had left around 10 in the morning for the cruise & finished around 1ish that afternoon.  We made one pit stop along the way, which was good since we had the kids with us.  We also stopped along the roads a few times to make sure that we didn't lose anyone.  After the wonderful cruise, we had a great lunch at a restaurant called Pizzazz.  The service was a little slow because they only had one waitress but she was great.  She really did the best that she could.  And the food was excellent.

So as I sit here watching the changing weather, I wonder if that will be the last time that we have the Mustang out.  I certainly hope not.  I would love to take it out a few more times before old man winter comes. 

To see more pictures from our Mustang club's Pony Trail, please go to our Facebook page at