Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Moon Township Volunteer Fire Department Car Cruise

Every year around the end of August is one of the largest car cruises in our area.  This year there was easily over a thousand cars that were there this year.  This cruise also offers a burn-out pit for the ones that would like to do burn-outs with their cars.  But I don't believe it was too popular this year as we didn't hear or see any burn-outs.
 We arrived early to the cruise so that we could get a spot along the road & in the shade.  We arrived with the General Lee, our Parnelli Jones Saleen Mustang, & my Dad's Saleen Mustang.  The cruise was to begin at 11am, but they open the gates at 6am & there is a line to get into the park at that time.  We arrived at 7am & there was still a line, but we managed to find the perfect spot for us.  We parked in the shade & right next to the road.  We were able to watch the cars drive by.  So many beautiful cars.
We did walk around a little bit, but the park is huge & with there being so many cars, we didn't walk around the whole park.  Instead, we decided to sit by the road & watch as the cars drove by.  We did take a break to go to the food vendors & to the playground (to let the kids loose).  The hamburgers they had were huge & excellent.  And the other food that we always recommend when there is the corn on the cob.  They have a nice selection of food to choose from.  Hot dogs for kids, hamburgers, hot sausage sandwiches, french fries, cabbage & noodles, & more.

 All in all, it was a wonderful day.  The only downside was getting up early in order to get a good spot for three cars.  I feel that more & more at the car cruises, it's a competition to get the good spots.  I would like to see them keeping the cruises closed until it actually starts.  But, it was still a great day even though we were all very tired that evening.

To see more pictures, of the car cruise, please go to our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/#!/2FastCars

Talk to you all soon!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Beaver Car Cruise

This past Saturday was one of the nicest car cruises in the area.  It's held in the town of Beaver, PA.  They close down main street & the cars park along the street & in their park.  This year was packed!  A friend of ours let us know that the park was full & that the street was getting filled at 10am.  The cruise officially started at 3pm.  My dad arrived at our house around 2 & we left.  Drove around before we parked on the street quite a ways down as there was no other place to park.  Guess that's what we get for trying to get some neglect yard work done.  LOL!

We took the Parnelli Jones Saleen, the Viper, & my dad drove his Saleen down. This is one of our favorite cruises of the year.  Lots of great people, wonderful food, & lots of great cars!  This year they had around 2,000 cars.  I'm thinking that is a record high for them. The only thing that we wish was different was how they parked the cars on the street.  At the Beaver Falls cruise, they park the cars side by side.  At the Beaver cruise, they parallel park.  They would get more cars into the cruise if they did that. 

After we arrived, we went to get something to eat.  On our way up to the vendors, we ran into Rosco's (Dukes of Hazzard) cop car.  (Never did manage to get a picture of it.)  Made us wish that we had brought the General Lee so we could have gotten the two cars together to get a picture of them together. After we had a nice dinner, we walked around.  This cruise is really nice.  They allow you to pull your cars up into their park & park under the trees & by a gazebo.  Very pretty setting for all these nice cars.

As we sat down by our cars, we watched as people drove their cars up & down the street.  Got to see a '37 Packard & still upset that we did not manage to get a picture of it.  But we did manage to get a picture of two rare cars together.  A Porsche Carrera GT & a Ferrari 458 Italia.  Just absolutely gorgeous cars!

Once again to see more pictures from this great car cruise, please go to our Facebook page,

The only other bad thing about this cruise is that means that summer is getting closer to an end.  But until then, we do have a few more great cruises that we are planning to attend.  However, we will be taking a vacation & heading to the beach in a few days.  So until we get back, keep on cruising!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Ford Car Show given by our Mustang Club

This past Sunday was the Ford Car Show that our Mustang club, Tri-County Thoroughbred Corral, held.  All the proceeds from the show go to great causes, Make-A-Wish & Toys For Tots.

The day started off with a lot of fog.  It had rained all day on Saturday.  And some spots on the road where covered with rocks & mud washed down from all the rain.  But once the fog burned off, the weather was perfect.  Sunny & just warm enough without it being too hot. We brought along a jug of ice tea & plenty of snacks for the day.  And the kids brought along lots of toys & books to keep them occupied. 

It was our first time at this car show with our Mustang club.  We had a nice turn out too.  And they didn't just allow Ford models, but there were a few other models also which was really nice to see.  The members cars weren't judged.  We had our own place to park so all the club members Mustangs were lined up.  I believe that there was 27 member cars there. (And the General Lee.) 

We obviously took our Parnelli Jones Saleen Mustang & Mike drove the General Lee there.  I must admit, that the more I drive our Mustang, & become more comfortable with it, the more fun I have with it.  It's just a fun car to drive.

At the show they had Chinese auction which there were so many great things to win.  Our kids were excited when they won a ZhuZhu Pet boat. And thanks to our kids, Pappy won an oil change an hour away from his home.  LOL!  Everyone had a great time at the show.  It was a fun day with great friends & great cars.  Our kids loved looking at the cars & our son is starting to ask questions about cars which is great.  I hope that our kids continue to love cars.  They are the next generation of car fans. 

To see more pictures from the show, please go to our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/#!/2FastCars 

It's hard to believe that it's August already & summer will be coming to an end.  So in the meantime, we must get our cars out as much as possible between now & winter.  Talk to you soon!