Wednesday, September 19, 2012

General Lee Buzz

This past weekend was beautiful so we decided to take our Parnelli Jones Saleen & General Lee to a local park to get pictures taken of them.  We have a lot of great pictures of the Saleen, but none that were really nice of the General Lee. 

I am continually amazed at the response the General Lee receives.  We pulled into the park & parked both cars together on a grassy area.  As soon as we pulled in, people began to flock over to the cars.  Most of them were drawn to the General Lee.  But how cool is it to see both of these cars together!

Everyone started taking pictures of our General Lee & of course, they all wanted their pictures taken with the General Lee.  Everyone was great as they looked at the cars.  They all asked if they could get pictures with the cars.  The people around here are great!  It was a while before we could actually take the pictures that we wanted, but we did finally get some great pictures of the General Lee by itself & with both cars together.

To see more pictures, please go to our Facebook page!/2FastCars

As always I am amazed at how much people love the General Lee.  It is an iconic car & will forever remind people of their youth.

Now we just need to find a way to get the Saleen, General Lee, & the Viper to this park so we can get some great pictures of all three of them.  Any volunteers to drive one?  LOL!

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