Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

We finally made it to our first car cruise of the season.  Unfortunately this Memorial Day weekend was one of the coldest in recent memory.  But it was sunny & no rain in the forecast so we took the Saleen up to Quaker Steak & Lube in Cranberry for the cruise.  We got there early & there was not a lot of cars there yet.  I think that the colder weather kept a lot of the cars at home.

There were some nice cars there, but even as the day progressed, there still was not a lot of cars showing up.  So we didn't stay too long, but we do plan on going back as they usually have nice cruises there.  The cruise in Cranberry takes place every Saturday starting at 5pm.  And they give you a discount on their food there which is an added bonus, especially if you are in the mood for wings.

Then on Memorial Day, the Viper was in our local Memorial Day parade.  Friends of ours asked us if their daughter, who was the Poppy Princess, could ride in the Viper & wave to the crowd.  We were more than happy to help out.  So the Viper got cleaned up & ready for its Memorial Day parade.  And it was a huge success.  Lots of people loved seeing a little Poppy Princess in an awesome car waving to the crowd. 

The rest of the weekend was spent washing & waxing the Saleen Mustang, getting it ready for the All-Ford Nationals in Carlisle.  That will be taking place on June 7-9.  Really looking forward to heading there.  The biggest reason is Steve Saleen will be there.  Can't wait to meet him!  Hoping to have him sign our car under the hood since his signature along with Parnelli Jones is on our dashboard.  But I will tell you all about that weekend after it happens.

I wish that the weather would have been better for some more car fun, but it happens.  We will be back out & about with the cars this weekend so look for another blog about the fun we have this coming weekend. 

For more pictures of the cruise & the parade, please check us out on Facebook at 2FastCars.

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