Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How we became 2FastCars

I'm sure that a lot of you are wondering why we call ourselves 2FastCars when we actually have three fun cars.  Over a decade ago, we bought our first fun car.  It was actually my anniversary present from my husband.  It was a 1992 Chevy Corvette.  I loved this car!  It was so much fun.  Even though I had always loved cars growing up, it was the car that got me completely hooked on the world of cars & car cruises. 

A few months after we bought this car, my husband found a 1994 Dodge Viper that he wanted.  At first we talked about trading in the Corvette on it, but decided to keep the Corvette & go get the Viper.  Good thing too, as we found out later, that the pedals & seat does not adjust very far & since I am short, I am unable to drive the Viper.  So we ended up with two very fun cars that we took to every car cruise that we could.  We loved opening our garage & seeing these two cars sitting there waiting to come out & play.

So we offically became 2FastCars over a decade ago.  We kept both cars for about 10 years.  Eventually though, I didn't drive the Corvette as often as we were blessed with two kids, a boy & a girl.  When we went to car cruises after they were born, Mike would take either the Corvette or the Viper, though mostly the Viper & I would meet him there driving my Trailblazer.  About two years ago, I started to drive the Corvette again, taking our daughter with me while my husband took our son in his Viper.  The kids loved doing that, but we still wanted a fun car that we could all take together.  So we started looking for another car.  My husband found our General Lee.  So the General Lee came home with us.  So we had three cars.  However there are no seat belts in the back of the General Lee yet so we don't like to put the kids in the General Lee.
So we had three cars, but still not one that we could all go to cruises together in.  We continued our search.  And just last October, we found our 2007 Parnelli Jones Saleen Mustang.  Once my husband showed me the car, I knew that was the one I wanted.  So we drove up to Cleveland, Ohio & checked out the car.  We drove our Corvette up there to trade in for the Mustang.  And while I miss the Corvette, I will always love Corvettes, I am very happy that we got the Mustang.  The kids love it & so do we.

So even though we now have three very fun cars now, we started off with two.  We were 2FastCars then, & we are still 2FastCars today.

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