Monday, September 3, 2012

Last Cruise at Wexford Starlite for 2012

We went to the last Cruise at the Wexford Starlite for 2012.  We weren't able to leave early to get there like we usually do so we ended up parking in their upper lot.  They had at least 3000 cars show up this past Friday night to end the season.  Great turn out.  But because we got there late, we didn't walk around.  Instead we had a great place to watch the cars as they left the cruise.  So we sat in front of our Parnelli Jones Saleen Mustang & watched the cars as they drove by.
There have been a lot of rumors floating around this year about this cruise for next year.  Last night those rumors were put to rest.  The cruise will continue exactly the same next year.  What a huge relief!  This is a great car cruise.  Great cars here every Friday night.  And the people that show up are wonderful too.  Never had a problem at this cruise with people.  They are all very respectful of the cars & I have never seen anyone touching any cars.  Very happy that the cruise will be back next year.

It is very sad though to see the end of the cruises for the year.  Summer is coming to an end.  It will soon be time to keep the cars in the garage.  This has been a great summer for us at the car cruises.  We are able to go to the cruises as a family & enjoy time spent together.  Our kids are learning to love cars also.  There are still a few more cruises left this season & hopefully the weather will be nice for them.  But for the Wexford Starlite Car Cruise....the season has come to an end.  So farewell for now, but we will see you again at the Wexford Starlite Car Cruise next year....May 24, 2013.

To see more photos from the car cruise, please view our Facebook page at!/2FastCars

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